Graule ZS170N Horizontal Lock handle
Graule ZS170N Horizontal Lock off handle assembly
Graule ZS170N specific part, it is a different part for the ZS170 model which doesnt not compound cut
Some Adjustment will be needed when fitting just so the lock off point is correct for the handle, a little fiddling with thread height positions is all that is needed
Made in Germany
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Graule ZS170N Horizontal Lock off handle assembly
Graule ZS170N specific part, it is a different part for the ZS170 model which doesnt not compound cut
Some Adjustment will be needed when fitting just so the lock off point is correct for the handle, a little fiddling with thread height positions is all that is needed
Made in Germany
All Prices Plus VAT and Delivery
UK Shipping only

Graule ZS170N Horizontal Lock off handle assembly
Graule ZS170N specific part, it is a different part for the ZS170 model which doesnt not compound cut
Some Adjustment will be needed when fitting just so the lock off point is correct for the handle, a little fiddling with thread height positions is all that is needed
Made in Germany
All Prices Plus VAT and Delivery
UK Shipping only