4 point bead stop

1.5 metre 4-point bead stop that measures each side of the window frame your currently beading to give an exact fit to that frame. Paddles on stop can be adjusted to fine tune settings i.e. to oversize bead to ensure there are no gaps when fitted.

Can be fitted to most saws!

Please Call for details 01934 625850 or email:

Optional Bead stick Support Stand can also be ordered

Beading Stick

Buy Online:

Bead Wand
Bead Stick 4 Point Stop


Mount Stop so the front of the measuring stop washer (Black washer Behind the brass mounting plug)  is 22cm away from the blade

22cm is to offset the length of the paddle slider and stop washer

There is a large degree of fine adjustment after mounting on the stop paddles 

Depending on your system It may well be that you have to over or under size the bead for it all to look right once the glass is in

Profile Packers 

Green rectangular block with text '10mm x 70mm CKMACHINERY.COM' printed on top.

Profile Packers in Custom Sizes and Thickness

Please call or email with your requirements

01934 625850 /

Flip Stop

Flip Stop measuring length stop

Flipstop is designed for quick and accurate measuring and to give consistently repeatable results. With its heavy-duty yet simple construction Flipstop can be fitted to a wide variety of saws and drills etc. all that’s needed is a bench with a 45mm high fence, next to the saw/drill for the stop to sit upon.

Saw Length stop

Standard Flipstop Sets

1m Flipstop set
2m Flipstop set
3m Flipstop set

A set Comprises of one length of track, two stops, two self-adhesive measuring scales (one reading left/right one reading right/left.) fixing screws, Allen key and instructions.

(Individual components for stop are available if required)

Please call 01934 625850 or email with your requirements

Cardboard box containing a Flip Stop set, including two flip stops, measuring tape, and instruction manual.
Window Industry length stop

Hand Held Digital Thermometer

  • Use for Testing Heater Plate Temperature on UPVC Welding machines

  • Complete with 90 Degree Surface Probe

  • Supplied with Calibration Report

Hand Held Digital Thermometer
Digital thermometer with probe and green cable

Please Call or email for the latest price 01934 625850

Laser Line Generator Unit

Metal cutting machine with a mounted laser guide in a workshop setting

Mains Powered Laser Line Kit Bolt on upgrade all for all kinds of machines and alignment applications

Kit Complete with:

    • Class 2M Laser Line Generator

    • UK 3pin Mains Transformer

    • Laser Mounting Bracket

    • Mounting Screws and Cable Ties

    • Laser complies with EU laser safety regulations EN 60825-1,IEC 825-1, 21 CFR 1040

Universal Fit Laser Line Kit

Tel: 01934 625850 email:

Floating Back Fence

Floating Back Fence for STB or Someco Welding Machines
Automatic Fence for STB or Someco Inline Welding Machine

Speed up production with an Automatic back fence Avoids having to reset the fence manually

Bolt on Upgrade for STB and SOMECO Multihead Welders
Will fit on many other makes of welder please call for details

01934 625850
